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Term dates pic
Sports Day is on Friday 12th July (weather permitting). Your child will bring their PE kit home on Thursday so they can come to school already wearing it on Friday.
Att Policy pic
Newsletter pic

Hello and welcome!

Welcome to our school and our website. We hope you will find the information here useful, whether you already have a child in school or are considering us for your child's first steps in education.

We are a friendly and nurturing school located in Earlsheaton; a small village near the centre of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. We cater for children aged 4 to 7 and currently have 120 places in 4 classes, some mixed-age. We are usually full in all year groups but if you are interested in a place then please contact our office to ask about the Kirklees Admissions procedure and how to apply to be added to the waiting list. 

We offer a broad and stimulating curriculum, an on-site breakfast club and a variety of after school activities through the year. We believe that the first few years in school are the most crucial in setting the tone for the rest of your child's education and we take this responsibility very seriously. We are committed to helping every child discover and unlock their potential and look forward to working in close partnership with parents and carers to give our children the best possible start in life. 

We are proud to hold the Leeds Carnegie Mental Health in Schools Award at Gold Level, the Arts Award at Gold Level, Music Mark, the Historic England Local History Award and the Eco Schools Bronze Award. All of these things enhance our excellent academic provision and help our children grow into resilient, curious, confident individuals. 

We are very proud of our little school and can't wait to tell you all about it! If you would like to find out more then go to the menu to explore our website. If you would like to vist school then please call the office to make an appointment and we would be delighted to show you around. 

We look forward to welcoming you into our family!

Mrs Wendy Kelly                                                                        
Head Teacher

Latest News

  • The latest Ofsted report is now available. You can read it here smileyhttps://www.earlsheatoninfants.co.uk/kgfl/primary/earlsheatonpri/site/pages/keyinformation/ofsted
  • We are delighted to announce we have appointed a new Assistant Headteacher. Mrs Melissa Bell will join us in September for the new school year. She is currently at a school in Halifax where she is a temporary Assistant Head and Year One teacher. 
  • Have you joined our new Parent App? Go to the App/Android Store and search for Weduc. The app is called Reach More Parents. If we have a valid email address for you in school you will have been sent a link. Any problems come and see Mrs Hill.
  • Please join your child's Class Dojo group; you'll see photos and get messages that only the class group of parents/carers has access to. If you can't remember how to join, just ask the class teacher for a log-in. 
  • Bookbags are available from the school office, priced at £6.00.
  • All children in Years One and Two, must have a a PE kit in school please. This is a plain white T-Shirt and navy or black shorts or leggings or joggers and pumps. Long hair must be tied back and earrings removed or covered in tape- this is available in the office to buy for £1. Reception do not need their PE kits in school yet. 
  • School uniform is grey skirt or trousers or school-type dress. A white or light blue polo shirt and a navy blue school jumper or cardigan or hoody. These can have the school logo or not, it's entirely up to you. Black school shoes or black/mostly black trainers. Please encourage your child to be independant when dressing/undressing at home as they will need to get changed themselves for PE. We have many items of good quality spare uniform available in school. If you would like to take anything then please ask at the office. 
  • We are have an 'active' uniform in reception, as much of their curriculum takes place outside. This is a navy blue hoody (either with or without the school logo), black or navy joggers or leggings and trainers. As this is a trial there is no expectation for you to buy new items, but if your child likes being outside then this is a good way of keeping them warm and cosy without the need for a coat. 
  • We understand that times are difficult for us all, due to the cost of living and energy crises. If you are struggling then please tell us, we can put you in touch with foodbanks or other agencies who may be able to help. 
  • Holiday requests: Taking your child out of school for a term time holiday is not a right. We are only able to authorise absence in very special, limited circumstances. This is the law, not our choice. We share an Attendance Policy with the other local schools (you can read this by clicking on the picture of the policy on the right hand side, at the top of this page. If you can't see this on your phone then turn it sideways and look at it in landscape). This means that if you have children here and at Bywell you will fill in the same form.  If you are considering a holiday then please call into the office for a 'Term Time Absence Request' form, putting in the dates and the reason why it has to be in term term. We will then let you know if the absence can be authorised, or if it will be unauthorised and whether a penalty notice (fine) will be issued by Kirklees. This is currently £60 per child per week per parent. Please note this money does not benefit school but is paid directly to the council.

Contact Us

Earlsheaton Infant School
Commercial Street
West Yorkshire
WF12 8JF

01924 460969

Please address any queries or requests to Nicola Hill, School Business Manager or Claire Pringle, Admin Officer. If you would like a paper copy of anything on our website then please contact the office, who will be happy to help.


School Opening Hours - 8.00am-4.30pm

Breakfast club: 8-8.30am

School session times (morning): 8.45am-12pm


School session times (afternoon): 1pm-3.15pm

Most staff are usually available in school until 4.30pm

Total school day for children- 6.5 hours

Total school week for children- 32.5 hours


What 3 Words reference: grow.slide.prove


Defibrilator:We have a defibrilator attached to the front of our school, which available for emergency use 24/7. If you need to access it please tell the 999 call operator where you are, using our postcode (WF12 8JF), or 'what three words' reference (grow/slide/prove), so they can give you the code to unlock the cabinet. 

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